COVID-19 Response, Recovery, and Resilience

may, 2020

27may5:00 pmAmbiguous Loss: Grieving in the Time of COVID-19Northwest MHTTC

Event Details

Life, as we knew it just a few weeks ago, has been completely turned upside down. That feeling you are feeling but can’t seem to describe in words may be grief. People are experiencing the loss of jobs, school, hugs, social connections, sports, graduations, weddings, funerals, it seems that every area of our life has been touched. We can’t even go to the grocery store without worry and stress. And if we were already grieving a loss, coping can be complicated. What do we do with this surreal feeling of disorientation? How do we recognize the signs and symptoms of grief and how do we cope? This webinar will give you an overview of what grief looks like at any time but especially during a time of ambiguous loss. We will talk about how to care for yourself and others in a time of uncertainty.



(Wednesday) 5:00 pm EST

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